Information Booklet 2024/25
Book Scheme 2024/25:
The information booklet for 2024/2025 will be uploaded shortly and will contain information on the following:
- Building learning power
- How the school is organised
- School holiday plan
- Code of conduct
- Pastoral care system
- Attendance, daily procedures and issues
- School uniform
- Rainbows Mentoring programme
- Homework, study, assessment
- Exam study tips
- Points of information
- -Book loan scheme
- -Student activity fund
- -Insurance
- -School lockers
- -Break & lunch
- -Contact between parents and students
- -Contact with staff
- Child protection
- Sample of events
- Creative Engagement and Sample of successes
- Some recent achievements
- Other, School Self Evaluation
- Staff
- Facilities and extra-curricular activities
- School events, supports
- Support for students
- Literacy and numeracy for learning and life
- School Inspections and links to websites
- Programmes on offer in Scoil Phobail Bhéara
- Learning support and resource programme
- Financial planner
- Digital Acceptable Use Policy